MBA in Digital Business & AI

(parallel to the job)
Fit for the digital future!

In a nutshell

The part-time MBA in Digital Business & AI makes managers “fit” to master the opportunities and challenges of digitalization, artificial intelligence, and data science in global competition.


Information Technology

Security & Law


Start of Class V: October 2024
Information event on December 4th 2024, 6:00 pm

Das Bild zeigt eine harmonische Verschmelzung von Management-Elementen wie F&E und Marketing mit digitalen Technologien, KI und IT-Recht, symbolisierend die interdisziplinäre Natur des Studiengangs.

Interdisciplinary and integrative

Das Bild illustriert die Verbindung von fundierter Forschung und praxisorientierter Anwendung, dargestellt durch Symbole für 'State-of-the-Art' Forschungserkenntnisse, Best-Practice Ansätze und interaktive Gruppendiskussionen, um die dynamische und kooperative Lernumgebung des Studiengangs zu reflektieren.

Well-founded and practice-oriented

Das Bild stellt die renommierte FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg dar, hervorgehoben durch ihre Platzierung im Reuters-Ranking als eine der weltweit führenden Hochschulen, mit Informationen zum Studienabschluss 'Master of Digital Business Administration', der zur Promotion berechtigt, und dem Studienentgelt, symbolisiert durch Bildungsexzellenz und globale Anerkennung.

Renowned and recognized

Das Bild veranschaulicht die Flexibilität des berufsbegleitenden Studiums, symbolisiert durch einen Kalender, der die 18-monatige Studiendauer, regelmäßige Präsenzveranstaltungen an Freitagen und Samstagen sowie einen dreitägigen Digital Field Trip darstellt, abgerundet durch die Erarbeitung einer praxisorientierten Master-Thesis.

Part-time parallel to the job

Frequently asked questions

  • What are the general advantages of a part-time Master’s program?

    Combining education and job, this program allows you to pursue a Master’s degree at the university while concurrently advancing your career in a company. Opting for a part-time Master’s degree empowers Bachelor’s graduates to commence their careers sooner, thereby enhancing their quality of life. Similarly, young professionals can pursue additional academic qualifications and professional development without needing to enroll as full-time students.

  • What specific advantages does the part-time Master’s program MBA in Digital Business & AI offer?

    The MBA program offers an interdisciplinary and integrative education covering management, IT, and security & law. It equips students with well-rounded and practical knowledge in Digital Business & AI. With its flexible structure and scheduling, students can pursue their Master’s degree while working full-time. The MBA in Digital Business & AI is globally recognized and prepares students for advanced studies, such as pursuing a doctorate in digital technologies or artificial intelligence.

  • Is the part-time Master’s program MBA in Digital Business & AI worthwhile?

    In brief: Yes! The tuition fees of 9,917 euros per semester are typically tax-deductible as income-related expenses and can be financed through a student loan. Additionally, many students receive financial assistance from their employers. As evidenced by experience and numerous studies, obtaining a Master’s degree correlates with increased market value and, consequently, improved career and earning prospects (typically in the higher four-figure range annually). All things considered, a part-time Master’s degree, particularly in digital business, is undoubtedly a highly beneficial investment, both intellectually and financially.

  • What are the advantages of a part-time Master’s program at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg?

    According to the Reuters ranking, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg is recognized as the most innovative university in Germany, holding the second position in Europe and the 14th worldwide. Renowned for its excellence in both research and teaching, the university stands out for its practical relevance, offering an ideal environment for pursuing studies alongside professional commitments. The Faculty of Business, Economics, and Society (WiSo) in Nuremberg has long been a leading institution for management and digital business. It has played a pivotal role in the development of market research and business informatics in Germany, thus establishing close ties with digital business and the application of artificial intelligence.

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